Walk the Narrow Road #2

Hi Everyone!

We pray this short letter finds you all navigating safely through these challenging times in our world.

In the midst of the covid-19 pandemic, we are in the midst of being obedient to God’s call on our lives.

We move forward in raising support so that we can answer HIS call to serve again full time in Baja

with Walk the Narrow Road.

Micah, Steve, Sara Lee, and Josiah at Steve’s Father’s memorial – 6/18/20

On March 14th, we were able to gather with our Board at the Narrow Road Ranch in Baja to discuss in

greater detail our proposed roles.

Steve: To oversee some of the continuing construction of the camp itself as well as ongoing

maintenance of the Facilities and teaching in the Vocational Program.

Sara: Teaching and hospitality – surprise!

We are praying that we can head back to the Narrow Road Ranch in Baja in late June or July when the

“non-essential travel ban” is hopefully lifted.

The Van Nes’s along with National brothers and sisters in Christ have continued moving forward with

construction of the Camp and the Vocational Program.

A portion of Narrow Road Ranch

Moving Casa de Timoteo in May

Things to pray about:

1. God’s wisdom and peace as we trust HIM for monthly financial provision in these challenging


2. God’s wisdom and discernment in precisely how to move forward.

3. How we can have a “Holy Spirit boldness” in sharing the simple Gospel with a lost, confused, weary,

angry, and frightened world around us.

4. How we can best love and serve others and our own families in these challenging times.

In HIS love,

Steve and Sara Lee

Please visit our website for current updates @wtnr.org

Please note on the website new options for giving @wtnr.org

Checks should be written to:

Walk the Narrow Road

578 West 18th Street

San Pedro, CA 90731

For Johnson support write #2 on the memo